Desktop & Mobility
To guarantee that your company continues with its usual activity, it is necessary to provide your collaborators with the possibility of working remotely, thus avoiding displacement.
The challenge in these cases is how to maintain productivity, increase connectivity, and provide continuous and secure access to applications on different devices. How we can do this:
Desktop and application distribution through a single platform. Transform static desktops into secure digital workspaces that can be distributed as needed
Protection of all devices that access remotely. Consolidates the control, distribution, and protection of end-user computing resources through policies that dynamically adapt to the user's computing environment
Simplification of management in local and cloud environments. Take advantage of a modern desktop and application distribution architecture
Ensure the safety of the platform. Applying Information Security schemes in the platform
Productivity with Office365
AIT works with you in a synchronous or asynchronous way from the cloud of devices and the platform, integrating business mobility.